
Any time you have a moment that feels like a division of time, your mind does a special thing where it creates a sense that you have a fresh start – Katy Milkman

As we move closer to 2023, it’s very common for many of us to assess the year that has past, and to make new promises to ourselves. Perhaps it’s our human need to control our environment, thus somehow predict our future success. However, given the incredible events that have occurred between New Years Even 2019, and today, there’s no truer statement than extraordinary thing can, and do, happen daily.


The issue therefore isn’t making resolutions, it’s keeping them…Right? Perhaps not.

Are we setting ourselves resolutions that are attainable only if all the stars are aligned?

And if so, why do we do this?

Humans are dreamers. We dream it and then we find a way to build it. This ability to dream and then do, has been part of who we are, since before the very first cave painting, and will remain with us, regardless of how humanity evolves.

However, setting completely unattainable New Year’s resolution goals is a recipe for failure. It’s demotivating.

The secret is the attainability. If you really want to make new resolutions work, make them about you, the new goals are for you, not for somebody else. When it comes to personal resolutions, it’s important to focus on you, this not being selfish, it’s being realistic, and focused on the goal.


And look at the goal as the task that will help me achieve my ideal.

  • If you want to lose 10KG, set the objective to take a walk every day, or join a gym.
  • If the resolution is to learn a new skill, for example, learning to play the piano, the resolution should be “book myself into piano lessons” rather than playing a complete song, or melody.

Removing or reducing the element of failure, but setting objectives that can be reached, not only positively reinforces your mindset, but it also encourages you to keep going. You’ve booked the piano lessons, now you’re going to attend them.

And don’t forget, resolutions are not just for New Year’s Eve 😉

From your family and Team to yours Melbourne Building Works wishes you the very best of happy holidays