As we move from pre-Christmas/New Year, into post, it’s not uncommon to start to feel a combination of anxiety, stress, and even buyer’s remorse. The build up to the Christmas/New Year/Summer holiday period is often a mass of anticipation, planning, scheduling, and hope for some relation, and family time. However, it can also be emotionally [...]
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It’s not uncommon for people in Australia to refer to the Christmas/Summer period as the silly season – but did you know this is not the case in many parts of the world? In fact, in North America, and Europe, the Christmas/New Year period is sometimes referred to as the slow season, because the days [...]
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We have all heard, and used, positive reinforcement. It’s a very important aspect of learning, self-acceptance, and personal image. However, for every positive message, there are 100s of negative messages. We are bombarded with negativity in school/work (low exam scores, employers who think it’s motivating to share everyone’s sales results, etc.), and on every single [...]
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