
First launched by the United Nations in 1992, endorsed by the United Nations (UN) by the World Health Organization (WHO), December 3rd 2022, is the International Day for People with a Disability.


It’s important to recognise people with disabilities, currently standing at approximately 1:7, their contributions to our society, as well as raising awareness, and joining with them in championing their fundamental human rights.

One of the ways we can support people with disabilities, is to understand and respect the correct terminology. The correct term is a person, or people, with a disability, Placing the PERSON/PEOPLE before the word DISABLE/DISABILITY gives the person the respect they deserve to not be defined by their disability, but rather their qualities and strengths, as a person.

International Day for People with a Disability should be looked at as a day of optimism, support, and a day to recognise the incredible strength and determination any person with a disability, be that physical or mental, demonstrates, and to join them in reinforcing the importance of their rights, now and into the future.

If you would like to discover some of the amazing achievements by many of our more prominent people with disabilities, or discover some of the events happening around Melbourne and Australia for, or around December 3rd, you’ll find a calendar of events, and other resources HERE.

If you’d like to know more about how Melbourne Building Works helps persons with a disability, as a registered NDIS Supporter, you can lean more about us on our Home Page HERE