
Following on with our Festive Season themed blogs for Dec 2022, today we’re offering you our 12-tips-of-Christmas – which should help you navigate the summer-parry season, with a few less regrets 😊

Tip #1 Party Rules

Thank the host, when you arrive, for the invite and leave tip for the wait staff (if you’re at a bar or restaurant).


Tip #2 Don’t Compare

Whatever the occasion, avoid comparing this event/party with another you’ve attended, even if the comparison is a favorable one, as it’s likely to get back to the host, either of the party your attending, or the one you attended. Complement the host on their event without any comparisons.

Tip #3 Offer to Help

If you’re in someone’s home, always, offer to help, and ALWAYS offer to clean up – they’ll likely say no, but if you don’t offer, they’ll be talking about it for weeks 😊

Tip #4 Bring a Gift

If you’ve been invited to someone’s home for a BBQ or party, bring a bottle of wine, or a sweet treat. If you’re a guest at a restaurant, especially if the host is paying for your meal, bring a small gift, it really is “the thought that counts” when it comes to invites.

Tip #5 Uninvited Guests

Unless there is a clear open invite to anyone, don’t bring a friend along without letting the host know. This is also true with bringing small children, and fur babies. If you’re unsure, check before you arrive.

Tip #6 – Respect the House Rules

In Australia we have people from all over the world, with differing faiths, customs, beliefs, and convictions. It’s important to respect each person’s principles, this extends to dress-code and diet.

For example, you wouldn’t arrive with a BYO pork chop to a party hosted by a Muslim, Jew, or a vegetarian, or vegan. It’s simple. Respect the house rules or respectfully decline the invite 😊

Tip #7 – Good Intentions

Everyone wants to have fun at a party, and the combination of atmosphere, food, and drinks can help to reduce a person’s inhibitions, leading to jokes and laughter. However, it’s easy for a joke to get out of hand. What was intended to be funny may come off as hurtful, spiteful, or cruel.

Tip #8 – Karaoke is for Karaoke Bars

Unless you’re under ten years old, or at a karaoke bar, even if you have a great voice, don’t bring your portable karaoke machine with you. If the host knows you have a great voice and wants you to sing at their party, I promise they will have asked you!

Tip #9 Don’t Overindulge

While a lot of people enjoy watching others trip and slip, after on-too-many drinks, on YouTube, it’s probably not the look you’re going for, especially if the party or function is a work based one or has your in-laws watching!

There is nothing wrong with enjoying a drink or two, but when you feel you’re starting to slur your words, grab a water and let your mind clear itself, before your next cocktail; your career, or partner may thank you for your sensible approach, in the morning😉

Tip #10 – Hangover Cure

There’s 100s of purported hangover cures you can google; but the best one is to not overindulge, drink lots of water, and pace yourself. And if that fails, you’ll probably find one of your friends has posted a video of you on Facebook, or Insta; and that should be enough to discourage you from accepting another drink, next time 😊

Tip #11 – Don’t Overstay Your Welcome

Every party, even a casual BBQ, has an end. Sometimes it can be difficult to judge when a party is over, especially if you’re been having a great time, or, if you overindulged in a few too many Christmas cocktails, however, if you see people are leaving, the host is clearing tables and throwing garbage into the bins, and guests have turned to coffee/tea instead of beer and wine, it’s safe to say this party is winding down.

Tip #12 – Uber or Taxi Please

Be sensible and arrange safe travel to and from your party.

Drive carefully and stay safe, and from your family and Team to yours Melbourne Building Works wishes you the very best of happy holidays.