
As a proud NDIS Supporter, Melbourne Building Works wants to acknowledge organisations such as Beyond Blue, and Kids Help Line. Disabilities come in many forms and have a vast spectrum of requirements.

Feelings of inadequacy, fear, loneliness, failure etc., can be as debilitating as issues of mobility. That is why we want to remind everyone of RU OK Day, which was last week, Thursday Sept-8th, should be something we ask ourselves more than just one day a year.

Many people have struggled through the pandemic, and many continue to struggle. Calling, or texting “how’s things?” can be a catalyst for a bigger discussion or may be enough for someone to feel valued. Today, we’re going to talk about RU OK being for more than just 1-Day, and how we can support each other.

One of the challenges of the past two years has been isolation. And while we are starting to move around a lot more freely, many of us lost touch with people who we would’ve seen, or spoken to, a few times a month, or more. And when you haven’t spoken to someone for some time or shared any experiences, it can be difficult to start a conversation.

Thankfully, texting is an amazing tool – it offers the opportunity to reach out, without the confronting fear of being rejected. And it takes only 15 seconds to do so. So how do you reconnect with people you haven’t spoken to in 3, 6, 12+ months?

Try this.

·  Go through your co-workers, friends & family contacts and note those people who you haven’t spoken to, or heard from, in more than a month.

·  Write a short text with a specific theme, for example, “Hiya! how is it possible we’ve not spoken for so long! can you believe Christmas is only 3 months away? – What have you been up to over Winter? Let’s catch up soon”

·  Add a smiley face & send

Repeat this every month, with a slightly different message, even if you don’t get a reply from everyone, it doesn’t matter; this is your RU OK way of checking on those who matter to you. You can also group some of your friends or family together. For example, if you belong to a sporting group or an art group, you can say hi to all in that group and suggest a coffee, or a dog-walk.

If you have older family members who maybe struggle to use text, take time out every week, call them, just say you’re going to a particular store next week and do they need anything; and then make a time to drop off the item – you’re also making a time for a catch-up – elderly, or mobility challenged people to feel especially isolated and vulnerable.  A call and a follow-up coffee visit can literally make their entire week.

If time is an issue, due to your own commitments, contact other family members and create a “Care Tree” where a different family member calls on those most isolated, every week. Rotate the schedule so everyone contributes 1 hour per week.


RU OK – Not just for 1-Day-blog  

By sharing the responsibility, you’re also sharing the care your loved one feels.

Statistically, the average person can have up to 6,000 negative throughs per day. Most of those are ingrained into us. We are upset about the traffic, weather, the cost of petrol, our children not picking up after themselves. And the vulnerable, lonely, and isolated, are prone to even more negative thinking.

Allocating some time for others’ needs, not only enriches their lives, but it also enriches our own.

Happy RU OK – everyday 😊

MBW is an NDIS Disability Accommodation Specialist. If you or anyone you know, or care for, requires assistance with housing fixtures to assist their mobility, and/or independence, in their home, our team of caring and trained professionals look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to contact us for a consult.